Monday, July 23, 2012

Joe Paterno’s legacy has crashed in disgrace.  What should be his legacy is that he was a great man disgraced by loyalty.
How would any of us feel if a friend who you’ve known for 50 years was accused of being a pedophile?  Maybe the reports you’ve heard are only of the friend showering with young boys.  Yes, this shows inappropriate behavior beyond belief but he’s still your friend.
What would you do?
Would you do nothing?
At the very least, would you not talk to the friend.  Tell him the behavior is inappropriate.  Would you do nothing?
One of the great teachings of football is loyalty.  And everyone associated with a football team in whatever capacity is viewed as family.  It is an admirable trait and an admirable sport.
But if an adult member of your family is known to be showering with young boys and rumors allude to more, would you not talk to the friend?
Even if you are not the most powerful figure in your state, your town, your community -- WOULD YOU DO NOTHING!
Chances are that Joe Paterno never believed the allegations against Jerry Sandusky,  never believed them because he was a friend.  After all, how could a friend do such a thing?
The only action Joe Paterno took was to not let anything be done.  He did report to his “superiors” but then told his “superiors” not do pursue the matter. “All that is necessary for evil to triumph if for good men to do nothing.”
I feel for the Paterno family.  With JoPa’s death, they are left suffering the both his death and the dismantling of his memory.  For all the good he did, what he will be remembered for is what he did not do.  Is it fair?  No.  But the lifelong effects of Sandusky's victims is also not fair. 
Joe Paterno obviously did a tremendous amount of good for his school, his state and his profession.  Unfortunately, all the good will be lost because because what he did not do.  In this case, evil has triumphed over good.
“All that is necessary for evil to triumph if for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
Never was this statement more true. 

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