Thursday, July 19, 2012

Obituary for Meg

Meg Clark, beloved family member and friend, died May 6, 2007 after a sudden and terrible illness.  Her suffering was relieved by a procedure too humane for humans.  She passed gently and quietly, as she led her life, looking into the eyes of those who loved her and those whom she loved.

Also known as Meggie, Meggers, Megala and Pretty Girl, she brought balance and grace to her family for 11½ years.   She will be remembered for her intelligence, beauty, affection, long-suffering patience and an occasional desire to become a 75 pound lapdog.   

She loved to dance.

She was preceded in death by her beloved friend and mentor Sam Clark, the golden retriever who raised this sweet brindle boxer/lab. 

On her first night at home as a 9 week old puppy, she was sequestered to the kitchen for obvious reasons.  The exit from the kitchen was blocked by an overturned piano bench.  After a few minutes of listening to some sad cries, the family emerged to find Sam looking at the pup over the bench.

When asked, “Would you mind, kiddo?” the bench was moved, Sam walked into the kitchen and lay down on the floor.  Meg snuggled up next to her new big brother and went to sleep.  They slept that way every night until she was too big to make the spooning practical.  She never cried again.

Surviving her were her two red-coated brothers who harassed her mercilessly and who miss her terribly.
She will also be remembered for her tail which matched a nightstick in both texture and, occasionally, ferocity.  For years and including the last day of her life, the first conscious sound that the family heard was the gentle thump of her tail signaling that a new day had dawned and life was good.

Her ashes were buried on the family property next to her Sam as both would have wanted.  In her honor, once the proper type is found, a tree will be planted on the Clark property.  Preferably one that thumps.

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